Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gingerbread Disaster or Masterpiece, you decide.

This was our first attempt at a gingerbread house, so our creative juices were just flowing out the ying yang. What's that?  Anyway, each wall had a different theme, don't ask me to title them, but it was definitely a fun experience that I recommend to all those who have the patience.  The Necco shingles were quite the ordeal let me tell you, but he rest went pretty good.  The best part was snacking on all the decorations and messing up on the frosting so I would have to fix it with my tongue, ooops.  Thanks Lissa!

The Family is back together again!!

So the yearly family pictures took place after Thanksgiving, and its really everyone now Josh is home.  It is the complete family and what a cute one it is.  They are so precious, or at least the photographer made it look that way (that's me).  I think mine turned out pretty dang good so you can pay me later Lissa ;)  Anyway, I am glad to be a part of the Rogers clan and don't you forget it.  This is a post to all you MoVal Rogers!  Keep smilin.  Oh and you raised a fine son, yeah the one in the green shirt and amazing hair.  Does he use suave?

Oh Shoot its Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is on its way, but this Thanksgiving was one for the memory books.  Nick and I went shooting with Ben, Mark, and Craig, which I think every family should do together.  It really builds family bonds and displays your 'aim' towards the future with each other. Wink!  So, little ole me got to shoot big ole shotguns and the rifle with a sniper scope.  That one is my favorite, but nothing is better than shooting a  hand gun real fast doing some damage.  Ben showed us his combat skills with Nick doing his rendition which was absolutely classic.  The only bad part was the traffic on the way and we forgot ear plugs, which I don't recommend, hence the white in our ears (bunched up paper towel) and Ben's ghetto- rigged ear plugs.  I was so happy the guys let me tag a long because shooting is way fun, almost as much fun as finding a place to do it, right Mark?