Friday, January 21, 2011

Skye's first bath

So our first bath experience wasn't what we were hoping. She peed and pooped right when I took her diaper and all over her towel that we were going to use to dry her off. The washing was fine but man, you learn a lot day by day, by day, by day.... The second bathing experience was much better after consulting those more experienced resources we have to our desposal. Thanks Bec! Shout out to Rebecca who has been a life saver beyond anything we could've hoped for. She was there every minute at the hospital and hooked us up with sustenance, words of encouragement, and a much needed extra pair of hands. Thanks so much. Lissa would be proud. Anyway, the bath went a lot smoother after we communicated with each other and went into with a strategy. I held her while Nick poured and washed. Skye liked most of it and it was crazy to wash that head of hair. She certainly has a unique head of hair, which I wasn't expecting to see but its way cute and so soft. We can't wait until the next new adventure that parenthood brings.


craigandlissa said...

Oh dang she is changing too fast! I am hurrying as fast as I can to get there. Such cute posts. Love the picture with you holding her!!!

Heidi said...

ha ha ha that is funny! She looks so CUTE!!!

aprilaleman said...

Congrats... she is way darker than I would have expected. You are going to love all the fun being a mama is.